Wednesday 6 May 2009


Age? 25

Sex? female

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Social Care and Criminal Justice

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? to a degree

If so, how? And if not, why not? some topicstouch upon social issues (tattos)

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? appropriate

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? might be a bit diffrent, but ok

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? discrimination

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? yes

What did you think of the module team? rather well organised, good lectures

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:

Small group discussions?

Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? yes

Information and talk from lecturers? no

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? yes

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? yes, but not for all types of modules

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? yes

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? yes

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? not sure yet

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? yes

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? yes

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? it was a good idea to have 2 short assessments

What have you learned from the module? that things that are bad for some people are a normal way of living for others

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? keeping my blog more or less up to date helped me to sum up my thoughts on things regularly, not just at the assessment time

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? nasty comediants

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? no

comment 10: Being Bad [PH1000] I Wish Philosophy Was Pink...: gossip

I agree, that nasty gossip, which may end up hurting someone's feelings is bad, but also gossiping about someone who trusts you is equally bad, I think; and just for the record, I'm a girl as well, and it is a wide speread opinion that we gossip as it was the single purpose of our being in this world, but let me tell you, that guys gossip ten times more than we do!!!! not all of them, but some of them could write a book from all they gossip about... To be honest I 'm not really sure how to draw a line between  some gentle gossip and actually discussing something, but hey and excuse is good ;))

comment 9: Over the hills and far away: Body exhibition

.. right, this is truly disgusting, how can anyone consider dead bodies to be art for crying out loud????!!!!! The dead belong in their graves, not in art galleries being looked at by the still alive...Its sick and wrong to put courps out to be viewed in public, sick!!!!! Its not are, its perverse and disgusting, not to mantion highly disrespectful...And even if people consent to have their bodies donated to whatever cause, it should be for medical research or academic use, or organ dotarions, tyo to rot in front of people... If you want to be remembered write a bestseller book for crying out loud!!!! 

comment 8: Over the hills and far away: Should we use animals in the circus?

...well yeah, that is a good point, and I recon any animal living outside of their natural habitat may be considered abused to some extent, for the simple fact of being locked up. And making money on the suffering and abuse of animals is as bad, as doing so with people. Most animals are helpless in when they face humans with any type of weapon, so they only have one chice, get caught and abused or die there and then. We could say that the same thing appears to apply for any zoo- type facilities as well, but I don't think there will be a time when people will stop chasing the money and just think what is the right thing to do... there is a reason behind the satement that we are the most cruel animals of all... no other animal in the world kills for pleasure or benefit...sad, but so true...

comment 7: Summersun: Alfie Patten a dad at 13!

OMG!!!! this story has touched me to the very core!!!!! What the hell is going on here!!!! I don't know, maybe I'm way too old to understand what actually happened there, but really what the hell happened??? Where were the parents, the school, how the hell did these kind get the soul idea of having sex??? I know, thet parents are not able to oversee their kind all the time, but something had to go wrong at some point down the line...It's beyond my understanding, it really at 13!!!!not to mantion mom at 15...a bit of an exageration, don't you think??? what the hell were these kids thinking???

comment 6: who loves orange soda??: Children watching too much TV and Playing on consoles

I agree!!!! kids watch too much TV and spend too much time in front of their computers and playing console games. It's ok if they are doing their homework, but not just gazing into the screen for the sake of doing just that. In some cases its their parents fault, because there is no better way to keep the kids quiet for a time, is there??? Nevertheless, this is not the way to do it, is it?? You can't just get rid of your kind by sitting them inf ront of the telly. And, what is more, kids should spend more time outside with their friends, exercisiong and having fun. It is a wide spread trend to snack while watching TV and playing games, so our kids don't just lack in exercisiong, but also get fatter and less healthy.

comment 5: Becky's Blog: scoop the poop!!!!!

I think that Becky is tatally right about this issue. Pet owners should by any means clean up after their pets in the street, the park or anywhere else in public view and acces. If you decide to have a pet, or pets for that matter, you should take responsibility for wahat they leave behind, don't just walk along and turn your head away, clean it up!!!! You wouldn't want to step into some dogs poop yourself, would you?? Why shoule other people step into your dog's poop???

comment 4: naughty but nice 'moaning'

...Oke, whare have you actually found the statistics about who moans the most??? I personaly know some German people, and couldn' say that they moan more than any other person I know, on the contrary, I know quite a few locals who moan about just about everything. I'm not saying the Englsh people moan the most, but I just don't know how such statistics can be made...But I otally agre with you, and don't see any point in moaning about thinds we do not have infulence on, things we can change are a diffrent issue, but what is the point of moaning about the rubbish collection day being a Monday and not Saturday??? none for me....

comment 3: Sarah's Scribbles on 'judging a book by its cover'

I think you are tattaly right about this one, beceuse normally if you see a tired person wearing dirty clothes and carrying probably everythig they own you know staraight away thet they are homeless. But you are not able to say what skills they have and what they had been doing before they ended up out in the street. They might be extreemly talented and skilled, but nobody will get the chance to check whether its true, because they all could not give a damn about such people. This is so wrong...for one, you can never be sure that you will not end up in their place at some point of your life...

comment 2: The world's a stage & we're all acting

First of all I want to say that I love the title of this blog, it's wicked!!!!

Oke, the post I want to refer to is the one about drugs. I think that the girl is right, if people think that anythong that come out of the ground is healthy, and can't harm us, are mistaking big time... think of all the pollution which gets deep into the groung now-a days, it all comes back up in plants we use every day... and the wide spread opinion of weed not being addictice is wrong as well, I personally know a few people who aren't abe to smoke a fag without adding some weed to tabbacco... its crazy, but true. And yes, everyone has their own reason for going down that road, and no matter how strong they are, very few are actually able to turn round and get off it pernamently...

comment 1: Charlottes being bad

...I understand the issues pointed out by Charlotte, but still don't understand how in whatever's name can you say that smoking id s cool??!! For me it doesn't look cool, it doesn't small cool, or for that matter doesn't taste cool either. And I'm sure anyone dating a smoker will agree that a 'second hand' fag taste is nothing but disgusting. I especially don't understand women who smoke, not to mantion pragnant or breast feeding women, do they not understand that they are not only putting themselves at risk, but also their children?? I understand that some people like that horrible tase and smell and everything, I have the experience of my dad smoking for as long as I remember, hed only stopped when it started to threaten his life, but he still says he smoked for over 20 years because he liked it...Nevertheless I don't thing neither me nor my sister will ever thouch fags, ever... And once again, although lots of my friends do smoke, it is not cool!!!!

Tuesday 5 May 2009


As we all know, discrimination may come under diffrent forms, and from diffrent sorces. To tell the truth, anyone can get discriminated against by anyone else under any circumstandes. I don't really know what is the point of making people feel bad or less it just because the person who abuses someone wants to feel big and strong??I really don't see the point...I already wrote bits and pieces about racial discrimination, so I'm not gonna do that here. There are, of course numerous diffrent types of discrimination; there's age discrimination, gender discrimination, economical status discrimination, disability discrimination, and lots more. But the thing is,that those who are being discriminated against are most often the ones in the less fawourable position, and by that appear more helpless, and unfortunatelly, an easy target for the better off ones...Discrimination also leads to numerous social prablems, as instead of people getting together, discrimination pushes them further away from each other...

Monday 4 May 2009


...It would seem that modern society has became less racist over the centuries, but has it really??? Obviously it seems that there is much less racism than there used to be years ago, but we can still hear about it every now and again. There is probably lots of racist related incidents that the public still don't know about, simply because people are ashamed to admit they have been assulted. It would also seem that if there is an incident, its also something else related, hooligans, burglary or things like that. Nevertheless, 'nice' people can get abusive towards other races as well, and probably they are even more abusive than the the 'simple' minds, who just want to show their 'position' in society. Now-a-days racism is less related to the actual race issue, and more of a nationality issue. That's most probably because of the widespread emigration which takes place now more frequently than ever before.

Saturday 2 May 2009

...for us, girls...

this is mainly about girls, because I don't think guys do such things, I could be wrong though... we all want to look smashing and be confident about our looks, nothing else spoils that better than another girl looking none of us likes that, I would say that quite a few would do almost anything to feel better again. probably the wporst thing is that one of your mates looks better, and you think she'll steal all the men straight from in front of your nose...well...thet best way to avoid that is simply to say or do something to make her chanege into something less flattering...things like, this makes you look fat, or too skinny, or these heels don't match your bag, anythoing really, as lons as the job is done, and you can feel the more attractive again...

Thursday 30 April 2009

...skipping classes....

...well, who doesn't do it???...all of us do, its no big deal,but you know, we really shouldn't do it, especially at uni...yeah, we're adults, and we can do what we want. but all of us need to pay for our studies, and ok, if you areactually paying for it yoyrself, finr, you're wasting your own maney, but if its your parents who are paying for your studies do you really feel ok with skipping classes?? I don't think next time think twice while considering not going to classes... 

Unfortunatelly, not only students miss out classes, and to be honest, lecturers not giving classes are ridiculous...that's what they get their money more by using the link I provided...its seriously ridiculous what some 'responsible lecturers' do, or rather don't do...

Friday 17 April 2009

selling alcochol and cigarettes to under-aged

Selling both alcochol and cigarettes to people who are under 18 is now illegal in most countries in the world, and, in my opinion is a very good idea. Well done to whoever thought of that!!!! But, the need, or rather want of getting more money is sometimes stronger than the need of obeying the law. I think thet's the case especially in small corner shops in villages, where the shopkeeper knows all the people, and has no problems with selling things like cigarettes and alcochol to kids who say they want these things for their parents or uncles. Unfortuantelly thet is not always who they really want it for...And then we have cases of youngsters killing themselves drunk driving or doing some other stupid things...and all that caused by greed and being too trusty...


...well this is an interesting one, and that's mainly because speeding is na actual road offence, and everyone knows that, but most drivers ignore numerous speed limits for various reasons, and don't seem much concerned until they get cought. That's probably because we have better things to worry about than a stupid 30 m/h speed limit on a straight peice of road, we need to get places, and such things just make life difficult, don't they?? Once I heard an opinion that the ridiculous speed limits of 30 or 40 on straight pieces of the street are there just because the police wants to catch more people to fine them so they could get more money out of them...What we don't take into consideretion is the fact that there may be a stranger to the area travelling down our road with the stupid speed limitations, who doesn't know that there is a massive roundabout or a set of train trucks just behind that bunch of trees...And if they don't know they might as well get themselves, as well as quite a few others into a nasty accident...but we still dont need these stupid signs, do we??? And no, a big ass 4x4 or a red hot sports car is no excuse either, the breakes systems might get damaged at some point in these too.

Thursday 16 April 2009


This might sound a bit odd, but I don't think misleading people is a very nice thing to do. I realise that a person who was never mislead anyone is prabably an extinct speacies right now, but still its not nice. I'm sure that noone likes to be treated with disrespect, and in my opinion this is one of the things which make me feel disrespected. There are, of course cases when it does no harm to anyone, but, on the other hand, if someone gets misleaded by a clerk in an office, of whoever is responsible for explaining some things to others, it may cause serious problems. I'm not saying that clerks mislead us for fun or the sake of it, but it happens, and, obviously, there is noone to bleme except the person who had been misleaded. Another thing is misleading, for example your bussiness, or any for that matter, competition what may lead to financial or other problems. Unfortunatelly, people don't think of such little things until they get the chance to taste their own medicine. Or, as in the case of my link,the powerfull sometimes choose to mislead whole nations at times, by misinterpreting or overinterpreting holy books and the words of their Prophets, just to use them for political purpouses.

..illegal recording....

Similarly to my last post, I think, and I'm sure quite a few people will agree with me, that recording films while watching them in the cinema is a bad thing to do. It is in fact, at least in my eyes, a king of theft, which is a criminal offence. If someone created a movie, and has put a lot of effort into shooting and adverting it, why take advantage of their work???? Just because you 'can' isn't good enough, and what is more, as I said before, you actually 'can't ' do it. Another thing is that not many people like to watch a movie with people from the audience moving in the middle of the screen, or making comments during the best scenes.

Sunday 5 April 2009

...illegal downloading....

now who has not done that yet???? no way, do you not have a pc??? yeah, I thought so ;))) it is so easy these days, just clickon the link and there you go, dont have to pay, dont have to move from your room, so quick and convenient, isn't it???? have you ever thought that you are actually stealing someones work, whether it is a film, a song, or an album or whatever you can get on the net, so tempting, so most people think it wont hurt, it is just one file, noone would mind, would they???? probably not, but imagine another few 1 000 others do the same, that could cost some artist quite a lot compared to what they could earn selling these few 1000 copies...would you be happy if they did such thing to you, i don't think next time you are tempted by this one click, think what the consequences might be, not to mantion that illegal transfers can be tracked now-a-days, and you could be actually charged...

...drunk driving...

ohhhh there's a classic, a few pints and get home or wherever...none of the people I know will ever admitt to having driven under the influence, I don't suppose, any one would; but honest to God, or any other superior beeing you believe in for that matter, I'm sure everyone has something to admitt to...most people will just say ' had just a few pints, don't have a long way to go, what could happen??!!' well unfortunatelly, for some the end of their days could come to a very messy and unexpected end. and that's where it gets really bad... doesn't have to, but if you r really unlucky, or stupid, for that matter, there you go...not very nice thig to do is it now??

Thursday 2 April 2009


OK, I know that many may disagree with my quite strong opinion on using drugs, but to me it is just plain stupidity. It's not fun, it's not trying new things in life, you don't have to try everything people or nature, or whatever created at some point. Think of suicide for example, would you try that??? would you try to get eaten by a lion in a zoo???i don't think so!!!!!! Using drugs is playing with your health, and much more often now even with your life. And it doesn't matter if some one else has done it and they turned out fine, who is in the position to guarantee to you that you won't suffer from side effects, or decide to go to a roof top of a sky-scraper, because you feel/think you can that would be just stupid, wouldn't it??? I heard an opinion lately, that the add that's on TV about weed could scare only an eleven-year-old, who have never tried it before, because it's simply harmless... If it was completely harmless they woulnd't put it on telly just for the sake of it would they??? Never mind that, drugs mess with your health, both physical and mental, and I don't think any one who has any respect for their body and life would try to put themselves through such a process...

...BAD PREss...

Do you think it is just to write things about some one else, eg. if you are a member of press, that you know are not true, or you don't have any material evidence, or for that matter, any evidence whatsoever to support your 'story' just for the sake of selling more copies of your paper or magazine?? well...??? I don't think that's a very nice thing to do, nor is it fair towards other people, because the fact that you work for a particular company, which in this case might be able to publish stuff, doesn't give you the right to play with other people's lives. People might think that I'm exaggerating, but think about it for a minute...wouldn't your own life, or your families life change if you at some point of your breakfast read in a paper that your spouse is cheating on you or your uncle is a dangerous sex offender...That wouldn't be nice, would it now...???

Sunday 29 March 2009

...disrespect during lectures...

Well... this is, of course, not about all students, but unfortunatelly, me and my friends have observed the quite a few students are behaving with complete disrespect for lecturers and other students during most of our lectures. I know that maybe not all are extreemly iterested in the subject which might be designed for particular sessions, but if you decide to turn up it would be very nice at least not to disturb others. By disrespectful behaviour I understand coming in terribly late, because I can understand up to 15 min, caused by traffic or something like that; but not 45 min while you were sitting in the caf half an hour before class. Another thing is whispering, or sometimes even talking during lectures, again if you are not interested at least don't disturbe others...I must say that, unfortunatelly, we have only one lecturer who takes the thing extreemly seriously, and had asked a few people out of the class lately, I totally support such kind of reacuretion. I would get really tipped off if someone was taking a mick in my lecture, and we are not 5 any more, for crying out loud, if you can't hold what you want to say till the breake just go out, and prefferably don't come back until you said everything you wanted to say. Or, if it is so interesting, say it out loud, maybe the rest of the class woul benefit from what you have to say, you never know...

Sunday 22 March 2009

....cruelty to AnimaLS...

What I don't understand at all is why some people think it is good fun to hurt animals...It's not like that poor kitten or puppy has done anything wrong to them....But obviously, it's not just that, if people decide to get a pet thay should feel responsible enough the take care of it, it's not like a dog or something else can get themselves something to eat when they are kept in a closed environment. I think that an even more sevear punishment should be introduced for animal abusers, because they don't seem to learn anything after what they get now, do they??? I know that some think that people are more important than animals, and thet's their right, but as I said, if you grt a pet you take up responsibility for it at the same time, and people shouldn't forget about that... it's a joined transaction...

Friday 20 March 2009


...If you ask me, abortion is a horrible thing to do...some people might think that it is a harsh opinion, but that's my point of view...It obviously doesn't concern young girls getting raped, that's another story...coming back to the 'normal cases', I think every woman who considers having an abortion should ask herself the question of what has the child done wrong that makes her want to kill it????At the end of the day, it wasn't the child who was not responsible enough to use some kind of contreception, was it??? Abortion is simply killing your unborn child, not giving it the chance to grow and develop. What is more, there are other ways if some one is determined that they don't want to keep their child. There are thousands, if not millions of people who are not able to have children of their own, and would be happy to adopt a newborn and give it a loving home. So, really there is no need of killing a baby, and in most cases scaring yourself for life...

Thursday 19 March 2009

...BODY modiFICAtions....

Similarly to tattooing one's body, different other types of body modification have been an element of stating one's identity, or sense of belonging to particular groups. Things such as piercings, scarring and particular body parts deformation were elements of different cultures, tribal rituals for centuries, and are still practices in numerous parts of the modern world. These days the' western culture' took over some of the other culture's rituals and body modification schemes more of an item of fashion than anything else. The thing people might not be aware of is that for some tribes or nations the use of their symbols or patterns by 'random' people might be seriously offensive. People need to realise that particular elements may have deep tribal or national meaning and are not to be misused by someone unfamiliar, or in extreme cases unworthy...


I don't see anything wrong with having tattoos done. At the end of the day, it is most often for improving the way your body looks, and maybe feels if you like... It's your body and you can do anything you want to it, especially if it doesn't put your health at risk. I'm pretty sure no one would go and have their tatts done in a doggy place no one else has heard of...I might be wrong, but I don't think so... Furthermore, tattoos have been used for centuries to mark one's tribal, religious and national identity, not to mention belonging to a certain group of one's choice, such as various subcultures. So there you go, in my opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong in having tattoos, which don't affect your health; But bare in mind that some symbols may be offensive to others, and shouldn't be placed in 'plain sight' even if they define who you are...


Do you believe if someone tell you they are 'social drinkers'???? I don't...There is no such thing at a 'social drink', you either abuse alcohol or not. Obviously I'm not talking about having a drink with friends or during a social event once in a while here. I'm talking about drowning one's problems in a bottle of wine or something like that, I'm talking about relaxing with a beer in your hand every evening in front of the TV, I'm talking about dropping unconscious on the dance floor in the middle of a disco...that is a problem, isn't it??!! and there is no such think as 'not having fun without a drink in one hand and a fag in the other'... Some people should seriously get a grip of themselves, not because someone else says so, but for the sake of their families....

Bad cinema....KIDS....

As it was said by someone, I don't remember who actually, this film was made about kids, but not for kids....I totally agree!!!!!!!!! the film was disgusting, to say the least, I know it was meant to shock and open people's eyes on what some kids do, but in my opinion, it is far too dramatic and full of offensive images. I mean, think of that little boy smoking whatever he was smoking, that is just sick, that is!!!!!!! And deflowering as many virgins as possible is not a very constructive goal to be reached by a young boy, is it??!! I really do not think all parents should see the film either, I think some are worried about their children enough without watching such terrible images...

Wednesday 11 March 2009

...lying with integrity...or just simply lying...

Well, this could take a me, lying is lying, whather you say it is to protect a person you love, if it is just hiding the truth, if it is not saying anything....well, either way, lying is lying...end of story. even if someone feels that they are saving another persons pain or something, but people have feelings, and the right to decide for themselves, they have a thing or two to say about what they want or don't want to do, so hiding options won't go through either. 

Monday 9 March 2009


Right....I'm quite sure that most inhabitants of our 'modern' world still get disgusted while even hearing this word, not to mantion if the situation actually occures. And they are probably right, as most of cases of infidelity bring pain and suffering to at least one person, if not a family...I would, nevertheless, argue that not all cases are terrible and bring nothing but misery into peoples lives. For example, what if someone was forced to marry another, without having their feelings taken into consideration??? And please don't tell me that this things don't happen any more, they do!!! I personally know someone like that,and I must say I was quite shocked to hear the news...Never mind, in such cases infidelity may be the only thing to bring any joy whatsoever to a person's life, as it is obvious that people don't cheat with someone they don't like of are attracted to...So I would say that infidelity is not always a bad thing...